McClintock Family Dental is Now Lakeshore Dental!

Dear Valued Friends,

Throughout my career of practicing dentistry for over 16 years, I have constantly researched for better ways to provide dental care for our beloved friends and their families.  I have decided to join force with Dr Jeremy Diquattro by sharing resources and complement each other’s expertise and strength to provide outstanding care to our patients.

It is my great pleasure to introduce Dr Jeremy Diquattro to all of you.  Dr Diquattro is a native of Arizona.  He is married and has 4 lovable children.  Dr Diquattro is a great clinicans with years of experience practicing dentistry.  He is a highly talented and competent dentist who delivers great dental care to his pateints.  He is the most honest person you will ever meet, he has the highest integrity.  Dr. Diquattro has received extended training in dental implants, and cosmetic dentistry and remains committed to lifelong learning in all aspects of dentistry.

I would like to thank each and every one of you for allowing me to be your dentist for the last 14 years in my current office.  It has been my honor to know you all and a priviledge to provide dental care to you and your family.  I am greatly honored to partner with Dr Diquattro and our conjoined team will continue to provide the highest quality dentistry to you and your family.

You will be greeted by the same great staff that you are used to.  We will be moving into Dr Diquattro’s office.  Our staff will be joining Dr Diquattro’s existing staff; together, we will be around to help you with all your needs and questions.

We look forward to see you in the near future in our new office location.

Lakeshore Dental
Phone: 480-360-4869
1455 E. Guadalupe Rd Suite 2, Tempe, AZ


Daniel Tee, MS, DDS


在我從事牙科事業的十六年期間,我一直尋找可以給廣大親朋好友提供更好的牙科服務。 於是我決定和Dr. Jeremy Diquattro聯手合作,相互交流行業經驗與互補各自長處來給各位有需要的病人帶來更加前端的牙科護理。

我很榮幸可以介紹Dr. Jeremy Diquattro給大家認識。 Dr. Diquatrro是土生土長的亞利桑那州人。 他已婚,家裡有4個孩兒。 他在牙科行業里有著極為豐富的臨床經驗,是一位非常有天賦與能力的牙醫。 我相信他一定可以為給各位提供最好的牙科護理。 他可以說是我見過最誠實與正直的牙醫。 Dr. Diquattro一直不斷學習來更新他對牙科領域的學識,特別在植牙與牙齒美容方面有很深透的研究和參悟。

我非常感谢过去的十四年里一直已牙医的身份在为我诊所有需要的群眾工作。这一直是我的荣幸和特别的权利能为你与你家人们提供最优质的服务。同时我也有幸得到Dr. Diquattro的 加入,和他一起继续为各位提供精湛的牙科护理。

我与我现在诊所的工作人员将会一起搬到Dr. Diquattro的诊所,与他和他的助手们一起继续为大家服务,解决各位的需求和疑问。我和Dr. Jeremy Diquattro希望能在新的诊所见到各位的光临与支持。

新诊所Lakeshore Dental位于1455 E Guadalupe Rd Suite #2, 详询请致电 480-360-4869。


Daniel Tee, MS (碩士), DDS (牙科手術醫生)

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