From impaired ability to chew your food to lack of confidence due to changed appearance, damaged or decaying teeth can contribute to various difficulties in day-to-day life.
Dental implants can provide a way to replace them. Dental implants can replace missing teeth in order to help restore functionality and improve your smile. These implants are made to look as much like your natural teeth as possible. When you replace missing or extracted teeth with dental implants, you’ll be able to chew on food and speak without difficulty.
Dental implants can be used to replace just one tooth or multiple teeth. These implants typically include a post and replacement tooth or crown. In some cases, a bridge is used to replace missing teeth. To be a good candidate for dental implants, it’s important to have healthy gums and bone tissue. Our dentist can evaluate your teeth and let you know if you are a good candidate for implants. You might need to have dental issues such as gum disease or cavities treated before you’re able to have dental implants done.
The dental implant process begins with having the post placed in your jawbone, where it heals and provides a secure base for the crown or bridge. Keep in mind that it takes time for your jawbone to heal and the post to fuse with it. This process is important in order to ensure that your crown or bridge stays in place firmly.
The next step in the dental implant process is having your replacement crown or bridge created. If needed, a denture can be made to replace missing teeth. The restoration option that works best for you will depend on the number of teeth that are missing and where they are located in your mouth. These restorations are designed to offer a comfortable and secure fit while also resembling your natural teeth. This helps ensure that you have a healthy smile.
When your jaw has healed and your implant restoration is ready, our dentist will finish the dental implant process. This might involve placing an attachment piece on the post, then securing the crown in place. If you are getting a bridge or denture, our dentist will fit these in place.
Your dental implants should last for a long time. In fact, you might not need to ever have implants replaced at all as long as you properly care for them. To take care of your dental implants, make sure you brush and floss regularly. You should also see your dentist for routine cleanings and exams twice a year or more if needed.
At Lakeshore Dental, we offer dental implants for patients in the Tempe, Arizona area. Please call us at 480-360-4869 to get more information on our dental implants or schedule a consultation. We can provide you with more details on dental implants and help you determine if this is the right restoration solution for missing teeth.
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